It’s not an everyday thing to get a visit from a congressman, but it happened to Four Seasons Equipment, Inc., one of our Bell Dealers, on July 5th. Texas Congressman Ted Poe, second district Houston, came to FSEI’s main office in Houston and discussed current legislation and his outlook for congress this year. The meeting was arranged by Associated Equipment Distributors, the trade association government affairs office, on behalf of Rep Poe.
The congressman spent 40 minutes discussing what is going on in Washington including, Healthcare, Infrastructure Spending, Tax Reform and the Perkins Act Reauthorization Bill. He is very optimistic that Healthcare and Tax reform will get done this year, something we all want to happen. He then toured the facility for 20-30 minutes and posed for a few photos. Overall, it was a great visit with a Representative that definitely understands the business and people in the country and his district.
In the pictures are Mitch Nevins, CEO of FSEI, Rod Dundas, VP of FSEI, Congressman Poe and Butch Carpenter CFO of FSEI along with a Bell B45E ADT.