Bell Trucks America top salesman and top dealer performance awards were presented at the annual Bell “You Make It Happen” Dealer Conference was October 22-24 in Las Vegas. Thank you to everyone for a great year and let’s make it an even better year in 2018.

Chuck Spooner from Central Atlanta Tractor, awarded the “Protect my iron” award

Rick Newman, from Newman Tractor, receiving Big Five Award for dealer sales performance, this is the second year that Newman Tractor has been presented this award & the Lion Club award was presented to Marty Mallard for being top salesman

Rolf Helland, from Illinois Truck and Equipment, receiving Big Five Award, for dealer sales performance, this is first year IT&E has been presented this award

Howard Able, from Earthmovers Equipment, receiving Big Five Award for dealer sales performance, this is the third year that EE has been presented this award

Lee & Jason Mashburn, of Mashburn Equipment, receiving Big Five Award for dealer sales performance